12 Months to Contract Expiration

Get ready! March 28th, 2025 is one year to our contract expiration!

On March 28, 2026, the current Collective Bargaining Agreement with Lumen is scheduled to expire. and we need to get ready!! We have launched our District 7 “All In” campaign to collect updated and correct Membership contact info to keep everyone informed over the next 12 months.  

Collective bargaining basics: 

We want to make sure all members are on the same page - to start with the basics around our contract with Lumen, bargaining, and what to expect in the future. This will be an ongoing feature of future Fight Forward Alerts.

The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is a written contract between CWA and Lumen Communications that outlines the terms and conditions of employment. Bargaining can take days, weeks, and sometimes months to reach a tentative agreement (TA). Once a TA is reached, it is put to the membership to vote in favor or against. If the majority votes yes, the contract is ratified. If not, we go back to the bargaining table.

The Bargaining Committee, in general, consists of Rank and File (RNF) CWA/Lumen Members and two CWA Co-Chairs. RNF Members are elected by the Local Presidents at the Lumen Bargaining Unit meeting at the 2025 CWA National Convention in August.  

After Bargaining Committee Elections, Locals will receive and send out Bargaining Surveys to their Membership. The survey results will be used to prioritize the issues that will be negotiated at the Bargaining Table.

But bargaining doesn’t just take place at the table. The bargaining committee only has power if the membership shows unity by taking action. D7 has put together a team of five rank-and-file members to serve as Regional Mobilization Coordinators who work directly with Locals and Local Mobilization Coordinators. The goal is to build and maintain, in every Local, a communication Network that will get out accurate and consistent messages to every Lumen CWA member on how to take action and win a great contract. 

Now is the time to start preparing and that starts with understanding how important the upcoming negotiations will be for every Lumen employee. If you would like to get involved and help prepare your Local, please reach out to your Local Leadership. This is a call to action for all of our Members in CWA District 7 to Stand Together, Build Our Future.